The Flora and Fauna of Your Place

I made a little video for you. It’s about my favorite book of all time, how my kids and I made that book, and how you can make one just like it. Have a look:

If this inspires you to get outside and look around, I’d love to hear about what you see! I’m trying to figure out how to enable comments on this blog post; until I manage that, you can share your finds with me by email (see the home page of this website) or by tagging me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Creators in the children’s literature community have been making videos like this nonstop since schools began closing here in the US this week. Authors have been hosting read-alouds and sharing writing lessons, illustrators have been running online classes and teaching kids the tips and tricks of their trade. It’s been truly astonishing to watch this beautiful community of people mobilize and share their talents. If you haven’t found their many resources yet, here are some links to get you started:

Kate Messner’s Read, Wonder, and Learn page

Susan Tan’s Author’s Everywhere YouTube channel

New York Times article highlighting additional resources

Enjoy your way through this incredible array of work from bright and generous and creative souls. It will overwhelm you in the most wonderful of ways.

4 Replies to “The Flora and Fauna of Your Place”

    1. Thanks, Wren! (I’m not sure how you managed to leave me a comment, but thank you for that, too. I thought they were disabled and have been trying to figure out how to enable them all morning.) ~LGB

    1. I’m glad it’s useful, Lisa. And THANK YOU for pointing out my typo; I’ve corrected it. Happy exploring!

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