The Strongest Man in the World

By Nicolas Debon
Groundwood, 2007

Category: Picture book biography

I should have very astute things to say about this book, but I am feeling less-than-astute at the moment. I’m too excited about meeting Nicolas Debon in person at the Boston Athenaeum tonight! With any luck I will have recovered my wits by then and find something to say other than: “your book rocks and I can totally see why it was chosen for this award!”

Other people* I am excited to meet and congratulate:

M.T. Anderson

Laura Vaccaro Seeger

Sara Pennypacker

Tim Wynne-Jones

Jean-Luc Fromental

Emily Gravett

Sid Fleischman


I also get to hang out with my favorite editor in this world and lots of other bookish folks that I am excited to get to know.


(*The links are to my blog musings about their respective award books)