Balance and Trust

© Loree Griffin Burns

Did I really announce on my blog that I would finish the frog chapter over the weekend? What was I thinking? For the record, I didn’t even come close. How could I? There were hikes to take and vistas to admire and apples to pick and books to read and, yes, even chipmunks to photograph. I fiddled with the frog chapter here and there, but couldn’t call it finished until an hour ago. It’s now in the hands of trusted readers, and I’m left asking the same old question:

Why is it so hard to balance my personal life and my work life?




Feel free to step in here, because I got nothing in the way of an answer. Nothing. Well, I do have a poem (of sorts) to share. It was sent to me by a friend, and it helped me reframe the balance question. Karen Maezen Miller’s Parent’s Little List of Trust starts like this:

Trust accidents and coincidences; trust imperfection and the unforeseen.
Trust the milk to spill.
Trust confusion as the child of clarity; trust doubt as the mother of confidence.

The piece is subtitled Not So Little, Not Just For Parents, and you can read it in its entirety here.

Anyway, as I plunge into the next chapter, I am no longer asking for balance; I’m simply trusting that my perpetual lack of it is okay. Just to be safe, I’ll not make any predictions about finishing that chapter. It’ll be done when it’s done. Trust me.