A Final Word from the Field

Ellen Harasimowicz has taken hundreds of amazing images for THE HIVE DETECTIVES this week … but you have to wait until Spring 2010 to see them. Sorry!

To make it up to you, though, I offer you this fairly cool image. I took it with my camera, but its composition is heavily influenced by Ellen. She has taught me a lot this week. (And you thought I was only learning about bees!)

Here is another shot I took today in one of the Pennsylvania State University apiaries, where Ellen and I shadowed Maryann Frazier and Keith Marshall as they monitored hives and collected samples.

I got to help out a bit by manning the smoker. Notice I am gloveless:

Notice I stand much further away from the hive than Maryann does:

I am getting braver, but am not exactly a natural with the bees yet!

Tomorrow we head back home. And the writing begins …