When I visit schools, I tell kids that at the top of my favorite-parts-of-writing-a-book list is the dedication. I usually write it after all the research is done, the writing is finished, the editing is finalized, and the book is ready to be printed. I take a deep breath, think about all the experiences that have helped to shape the book, and to shape me as its author, and choose one person to whom I would like to pay tribute.
For me, for this book, that person was my sister Karin. Karin is twenty years younger than me (not really, but she’d want me to tell you so) and is one of the most genuinely compassionate people I know. This is the girl who would give you her car keys if you really and truly needed them, and she would not think to ask if you have a driver’s license. She doesn’t care. You are in need, and she can help. So she does. I’ve always admired this about her.
While I was writing THD, Karin moved from outside of Boston where we grew up to the boonies, where I live. I wonder now how I got along without her. She lives around the corner and is Auntie K, the person my kids turn to when I am being unreasonable and refusing them everything. She is also the person I turn to when I need help, whether it’s a gallon of milk or a day of childcare or an ear to chew. Without her to handle the rustle-them-up-and-get-them-off-to-school morning routine with my kids, I simply wouldn’t have been able to do school visits the past two years. And there were plenty of afternoons when she has handled the greet-them-off-the-bus-and-feed-them-a-snack part of the day, too. It would have been so much harder to write this book—and get through our day-to-day life—without her. Which is why if you open THE HIVE DETECTIVES to the first page, you’ll see this dedication:
For my sister, Karin
And in case this final post in my ‘Behind the Bee Book’ series is feeling a bit too lovey-dovey and mushy, you should also know this: my sister Karin hates bees. With. A. Passion.
(Tee Hee!)
Thanks for everything, sis. I love you more than bees!