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Spring Street School
This event is not open to the public.
Spring Street School
This event is not open to the public.
Tucson Book Festival
Loree is excited to be part of Tucson’s sixth annual celebration of books and reading. Details on her appearances at the Festival and on the Science City stage can be found here.
Beetle Busters Book Launch!
Loree and photographer Ellen Harasimowicz will celebrate the release of their newest collaboration at the Beaman Memorial Library. Beetle Busters and other titles will be available for purchase and signing.
Beelte Busters Book Launch!
Loree and photographer Ellen Harasimowicz will celebrate the release of their newest collaboration at the Beaman Memorial Library. Beetle Busters and other titles will be available for purchase (and signing!) and all proceeds will benefit the Library.
Celebration of Literacy
Click here for more details.
Downey Elementary School
This event is not open to the public.
Downey Elementary School
This event is not open to the public.
Holland Public Library
Loree will talk with library patrons of all ages about being a citizen scientist. This event is open to the public; call the library at 413-245-3607 for more information.