Five Things on Friday

1. The Korean edition of TRACKING TRASH has recently been published. How cool is that?!

2. The full jacket of THE HIVE DETECTIVES is finalized, and it is BEE-autiful!

3. Thanks to an insightful comment by a dear writer friend, I rethought my entire citizen science book this week. These thoughts were very scary.

4. I’ve managed to put a good deal of these scary thoughts on paper, and I kinda like them. Kinda sorta very much, actually. Sometimes “scary” just means “new and different”, and sometimes new and different is good.

5. I’ve given myself a big writing goal for the next three days. But I’ve also put aside time for birding and digging new garden beds (An asparagus bed! Finally!) and tagging butterflies and watching my kids play soccer, and celebrating the end of summer with family I don’t see enough. I’m looking forward to all of it.

Happy Labor Day weekend, one and all!