March Into Reading!


Another week has gotten away from me. Blogging and working have felt mutually exclusive lately. I have been drafting my new book (slow and painful at the moment), polishing two submissions for my agent (very excited about these), writing some historical science pieces (writing short and fast is HARD), and preparing for some exciting school visits. I’ve come up for air in order to tell you about this last bit …

On Saturday, I will be participating in the March Into Reading! Book Festival at Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island. The theme for the day is ‘Literacy and Science’ and I will be joined by an amazing list of local authors and illustrators:

Laura Grates-Galvin

Todd Hampson

Bob Marstall

Ralph Masiello

Gordon Morrison

Jerry Palotta

The six of us will be visiting Newport-area schools all day on Friday and talking about our work (and signing books!) at Salve Regina on Saturday. Do stop by if you can.