On Writing

I’ve been thinking a lot about this blog and about my writing process and about how the two are sort of mutually exclusive for me. Being a Blog Hound myself, I know that it can be useful to read about how other writer’s work. And I love to be useful. But here’s the thing …

I don’t want to write about how I work while I am working.

I mean, it is all well and good to tell you that there were some rough moments during the writing of TRACKING TRASH in the same post that I tell you how that stuckedness resolved itself. But to tell you I am well and truly stuck on a Work In Progress and then just leave that negativity hanging out there for all the world to read is just too darn hard for me.

You may be saying. “But Loree, how many people actually read your blog? How many people would actually realize you were stuck?” And the answer is: not many. But among the few are some pretty important folks … like my editor. And my agent. And my writing partners. Do I want them reading all the gory details?

No, I do not.

I want them imagining me writing away in the wee hours, creating pages and pages of perfect prose that will be on their desks soon. I want them imagining me transferring passion to the page with ease and confidence. I want them imagining perfection. Because if I know these people—each of whom I adore—are imagining perfection, are EXPECTING perfection, then I will drag myself through the rough days working, working, working to get my pieces to a place that is good enough to share with them. I will do everything in my power to give them perfection.

All of this to say that I am drafting my new book. And that I cannot blog about it yet!