This past weekend, MassAudubon sponsored its annual Focus on Feeders bird census. My kids and I managed to spot fifteen species of birds over the course of the two days. Most were at our feeders, but a few, like the crows and the red-tailed hawk, just happened to be flying overhead while we were counting. I was thrilled that one of our resident red nuthatches showed up and posed for a photo, and completely stoked that my son Ben was ready with the camera. (If you are into birds, you can compare this red nut to the white-breasted cousin from this recent post.) Here’s our full species list:
American crow
American goldfinch
Black-capped chickadee
Blue jay
Dark-eyed junco
Downy woodpecker
House finch
Mourning dove
Northern cardinal
Red-bellied woodpecker
Red-breasted nuthatch
Tufted titmouse
White-breasted nuthatch
Red-tailed hawk
Don’t worry if you missed the fun; Great Backyard Bird Count is just two weeks away! I’ll be counting with kids from my local elementary school. How about you?