A Luna Story

The other night I had some friends over to look for moths. (What? You’ve never done that? I think once you read the book Ellen Harasimowicz and I are making about it, you will want to!*)

Anyway, we were moth-ing and were thrilled when three luna moths showed up at once. A friend and moth expert, Teá Kesting-Handly, pointed out that one of these lunas was not only female, but very worn in the wings. This is a good indication that she has been an adult long enough to have mated. Teá picked her up of the sheet she was hanging on and said, “Take her inside!”

“Inside my house?” I asked, a little surprised.

“Well, if you put her gently in a paper bag and leave her on the counter overnight. she might lay eggs on the inside of the bag. In the morning, you can set her free … and if there are eggs, you can raise them.”

Here’s the rest of the story …


Come to think of it, this is the beginning of a story, isn’t it? Stay tuned!


* For sneak peak images and behind-the-scenes stories from the making of the moth book this summer, check out my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds. You’re Invited to a Moth Ball, written by me and illustrated with photographs by Ellen, is coming from Charlesbridge Publishing in 2020.