The Great Sunflower Project: Planting!

© Loree Griffin Burns

Remember this post? When I told you all about The Great Sunflower Project and how easy it was to help bees by participating in this important citizen science initiative? Well, it’s time for step three … planting your seeds.

What’s that? You don’t remember the steps? Okay, then, here is a quick review:

1. Register yourself at The Great Sunflower Project website. (You can do this today!)

2. Order some Lemon Queen sunflower seeds. (You can do this today, too! If you don’t want to wait for seeds to arrive by mail, check your local garden center; many carry the Lemon Queen variety.)

3. When the time is right where you live, plant your seeds.

4. When your sunflowers bloom, watch them for fifteen minutes each week, recording how many bees that visit while you do.

5. Send your data to Dr. LeBuhn and her team at The Great Sunflower Project.

I started my seeds a few weeks ago, in a fit of impatience, but you can start them any time now directly in the garden. Today I transplanted our seedlings into the back of my herb garden, right near my office window. With luck, I’ll soon be watching bees from this very desk, reporting to The Great Sunflower Project scientists (and to you) what sorts of bees are stopping by for Lemon Queen nectar and pollen.

Happy planting!