Excellent Science Books … and a Surprise Raffle!

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Subaru last week announced the winners of the SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books. Not surprisingly, they chose some topnotch books:

Children’s Science Picture Book

By Molly Bang and Penny Chisolm
Blue Sky Press, 2009

Middle Grade Science Book

By Pamela S. Turner
Houghton Mifflin, 2009

Young Adult Science Book

By Idah Ben-Barak
Basic Books, 2009

As it happens, LIVING SUNLIGHT was a favorite of mine this year. So much a favorite, in fact, that I asked Santa to bring me a copy of my own for Christmas. And he did … twice! In honor of its selection as one of the best science books for children published this year, I’m going to give the extra copy away via a raffle here on my blog. Here’s the deal …

If you are over eighteen and live in the continental United States and would like to own a copy of LIVING SUNLIGHT, leave a comment here before Thursday at midnight. On Friday I’ll announce the winner and, with some luck (and a mailing address), I’ll put the book in the mail on Monday.

Got it? Good. Go forth and comment!

No … wait. One more thing. If you spread the word about the raffle (via your blog or Facebook or Twitter) and let me know you’ve done so in your comment, I’ll add your name to the raffle twice.

That’s it. NOW, go forth and comment. Good luck!

TRACKING TRASH Resources for Teachers

© Matt Cramer/AMRF

Did anyone catch the Colbert Report on Wednesday night? Stephen Colbert’s guest was Captain Charles Moore, founder of the Algalita Marine Research Foundation (AMRF) and one of the scientists profiled in TRACKING TRASH. Personally, I would not want to be in Colbert’s hot seat … he’d have me standing on it yelling and screaming in about twenty-two seconds. Captain Moore, however, was the picture of calm and consistency, letting Colbert and his viewers know that the accumulation of plastic trash in our ocean is not a joke. Check it out for yourself (or your students) here.

As if sparring with Stephen Colbert were not enough hard work for one week, yesterday, Captain Moore and AMRF announced a new initiative called the 5 Gyres Project. Along with several other ocean conservation organizations, Captain Moore and his team will soon be visiting the five gyres* of the world ocean, sampling for plastic levels, and reporting what they find to the world. Teachers (and anyone else interested worried about this issue) will find a whole lot of useful information at the new 5 Gyre Project website.

I’m working on a compilation of these and other web and print resources for teachers using TRACKING TRASH in the classroom. It will eventually be available through my website, but if you are a teacher in need of it now, please let me know and I will send it by email.

*A gyre, for the record, is a circular pattern of ocean surface currents. There is one gyre in each major ocean basin.



© Loree Griffin Burns

Friday?! How did that happen? I’ll tell you how: time in the Facebook world is strangely warped. It moves more quickly than here in my quiet little office. Must keep that in mind moving forward. Anyway, I’ve got eight hours of work to accomplish in the next seven hours. It can be done, but only if I skip my morning walk. Hence the picture, which was taken yesterday during said walk. Enjoy.

Okay. Deep breath. Centering thoughts. Here we go …


Midwinter in Boston

I’ll be attending the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting at the end of next week. I am most looking forward to the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt banquet on Sunday, January 17, where I’ll be speaking with other HMH authors about our new spring 2010 books. If you know me and my book love issues, you’ll understand how excited I am to be speaking alongside:

Susan Campbell Bartoletti
Jeanne Birdsall
Beth Fantaskey
Russell Freedman
Lois Lowry
Sally Mavor
Linda Urban

There are lots of other exciting events going on at the midwinter meeting, including the ALA Youth Media Award announcements, which take place at 7:45am on Monday, January 18. So many of the books I adored this year are up for awards; best of luck to all the nominated authors!

Hope to see some of you in Boston …


Writing to Change the World

By Mary Pipher
Riverhead, 2006

Category: Non-fiction for adults (a craft book for writers)

I found WRITING TO CHANGE THE WORLD at my local bookstore last year and couldn’t resist the flap copy: “[this] is a book that will shake up your beliefs, expand your mind, and possibly even inspire you to make your own mark on the world.” Seemed to me a rather tall order for a single book. I’m happy to report that Mary Pipher delivered with quiet style.

Early on, as an example of activist writing, Pipher shared an article she wrote for the September 2004 issue of Psychotherapy Networker. It is a clinical assessment of a fictional patient by the name of Mr. United States of America. One particular line resonated with me and qualifies as having shaken up my beliefs. That line? “[Mr USA] crafted a Bill of Rights, but no corresponding Bill of Responsibilities.” Woah.

Later, Pipher challenged nonfiction writers to think bigger. Don’t simply share the conventional wisdom in new ways, she says, but instead, rethink the wisdom based on your research, your knowledge, and your experience. As an example, Pipher talked about the hard work of crafting her bestselling Reviving Ophelia: “I slashed and burned through my manuscript, crossing out every ‘Based on the previous information, we could tentatively conclude for certain populations …’ and instead wrote, ‘We live in a girl-poisoning culture.’ This section of the book forced me to think hard about taking a stand in my own work; it is safe to say my mind has been expanded.

As for inspiration, I found it throughout the book, but most especially in these lines: “In a sense, all people are riding a rickety boat across dangerous seas. I like to think of writers as the steady ones saying, ‘Breath deeply, stay steady, we will make it if we help one another.’”

I’m glad I have this one in my library, and I’d recommend it to nonfiction writers, both beginning and practicing, who want to think harder about how their words mark the world.


Facebook … Finally

Yes, I have taken the plunge into social networking. Finally. And it is not as easy as y’all have been telling me it is…

First of all, how does one separate a personal Facebook life from a professional Facebook life? My high school friends and work colleagues certainly don’t want to hear about my books and writing life constantly … and perfect strangers who happen to read my books (Facebook calls them fans!) don’t need to hear me chit-chat with my high school prom date. Right? Right.

So, what to do? I decided to set up an author page, ingeniously called “Loree Griffin Burns, Author” that is expressly for people interested in my books. You can find it here. (Feel free to visit and become a fan. Feel free to send your friends and neighbors and parents and children and spouses and coworkers to become fans, too. At the moment, I am my only fan. Seriously.)

I set up a personal page too, because who can resist re-connecting with the girl you raced Mexican jumping beans with when you were ten? Or the guy who broke your heart in high school? Or Auntie Mary? I can’t.

So, how do the rest of you handle Facebook? Personal and professional pages both? One or the other? Does it matter? I’d love to know.

Finally, do I really have to include this line every time I mention Facebook here?

“Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.”



Happy New Year!

Last January, on a bit of a whim, I started recording the books I read. And while I stumbled here and there with the rest of my 2009 resolutions, I was amazingly dutiful about this list. And so it was that I was able to relive a year of literary adventures this afternoon. This was pure book geek fun, folks, and I plan to keep my “Books Read” list going in 2010.

First, the numbers …

I read 117 books in 2009: 59 works of fiction, 56 non-fiction and 2 poetry. Broken down by genre, the count is: 47 picture books, 31 middle-grade books, 8 young adult books, and 28 adult books.

Books that truly thrilled me got a star next to their entry, and I gave many of them as Christmas gifts this year. Only one book had two stars next to its name. Which book was that, you ask? ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, MIRACLE, by Barbara Kingsolver, known around here as the book that changed the way I live. If you haven’t already read it, you really should.

The number that gave me most to think about was this one: 21 That’s the number of books on my 2009 reading list that I managed to blog about during year. Interesting. I started this blog as a place to talk about books—books I love, books I write, books that find their way into my hands in mostly random and always interesting ways. But blogging about books has gotten harder for me over the past three years. Part of the problem is time, as in: I don’t have enough. The other part, though, is my personal struggle with what blogging about a book means … and what not blogging about a book means. Today’s exercise has got me thinking even harder about books and my blog and how the two fit together.

In case you are worried that my New Year’s Day was all book geekery, check out the image behind the cut. My husband, kids, and I started 2010 with a hike in the woods behind our house, and what we found there had one of us screaming.

© Loree Griffin Burns

It’s a deer carcass. And for the record, I was NOT the one who screamed!


Five Things on Friday (Florida Edition)

I thought about doing Four Hundred Things on Friday and sharing a lot more photos, but that would just be cruel. So I edited myself. Below are a great white heron, a pair of alligators, an insanely huge grasshopper (if I had thought to put my pinky finger in for scale, the grasshopper would have been longer and twice as fat!), a lizard/anole type creature that was also quite big, and a wild honey bee hive.

© Loree Griffin Burns

© Gerry Burns

© Loree Griffin Burns

© Samuel Griffin Burns

© Loree Griffin Burns

It was nice to take this trip while my mind was between projects. I have a new book brewing, but the major research for that particular project won’t begin until February. And so I had the luxury of time to think and read and watch and wonder about anything at all while traveling. I wondered about all the creatures pictured above, each native to the Florida Everglades, but I found myself especially drawn to stories of non-native species: Burmese pythons and Brazilian pepper plants and the like. Now, back home, I find myself pulling books and articles that I’ve collected over the years and realizing that this is a topic that has interested me for quite a while … and not for the reasons one might think. And so I am reading and wrapping and researching and decorating all in equal measure. I love this part of my work, thinking and exploring without obligation, without deadlines, purely because a topic interests me.

Happy Friday!


Holiday Craziness

© Gerry Burns

The holidays make me a little crazy. So when my husband first suggested the family join him on a business trip to Florida in December, I told him he was a kook. Who would get the tree? Who would cross items off the shopping list? Who would write the holiday letter and select a photo for the card and print the cards and buy the stamps and address the envelopes? Who would order the lamb, prepare the sweet potato biscuits, and bake the cookies? Who would wrap the gifts and layer them around the tree? Who? Who? Who?

The answer, of course, was that no one would do these things if we went away. And it would be okay.

Now we are back from our surprise winter trip, and my husband was right. None of those things are done yet … and it will be okay.

What’s more, I came home with intense feelings of gladness, thanks to a few days in the Everglades. I’d now like to give everyone I know—and everyone I don’t know, too—the gift of a day kayaking through the swamps of the Big Cypress National Preserve. Our journey through red mangrove tunnels (pictured above) was one of the most peaceful and joyful experiences of my life. Oh, how I wish I could wrap that up and put it under the tree.

(Not my tree, of course, because I don’t have one yet. But I would put it under your holiday tree if I could!)