Dirty Check In

© Loree Griffin Burns

Saturday, and Sunday were the loveliest spring days ever. EVER! I spent a good part of them in the yard, raking leaves (found the garlic I planted last fall), turning soil (oh, so many earthworms), planting lettuce, and generally getting filthy. It was heavenly.

The flipside of that, of course, is sitting at my desk this morning and wondering where to begin. Bills? Business paperwork? That challenging and long-ignored work-in-progress? Adding baseball and softball team schedules to the family calendar? Book launch planning? A grocery list? Egads … the laundry?

Deep. Breath.

I eventually decided to start here, at my e-home. Things are tidier here, and there is less that needs doing. I’ve got two posts for today. First, this dirty check in. Next, a trashy announcement. Stay tuned.

Happy Monday!