Lovely Cards, Lovely Kids

Look what has arrived:

Thank you cards. Loads of them. Hand-made by the very cool Newport students I have been telling you about all week. Some of the best bits were in postscript …

“PS. Are you going to write about killer bees?”
Yes. Because one of my biggest fears as a young person was that there really were Killer Bees and that they really were coming.

“PS. Why did you choose to write about bees?”
Because they interest me. And because they seem to interest you!

“PS. Go Red Sox!”

“PS. Clean up the beaches for our creatures.”
I will try. You try too, okay?

“PS. I liked your sweater.”
Thank you. My sister, who picked out the sweater and who was with me when I read the cards, is now calling herself my stylist and demanding a paycheck.

“PS. I will not tell your kids about the picture if I meet them.”
My kids were also with me when I read the cards. Whoops. (“MOM!! What picture??”)

“PS. Hope you come back soon.”
Me too. Truly.