What Do You Think?

With many thanks to my tech guys (the twelve-year-old Burns boys) and the photographers I have yet to credit in the video (we are working on this), here is my first-ever book trailer. It is a work in progress; I still have to figure out how to roll the photo credits, how to fix the text-heavy back end, and how to insert an image that is being prickly. While I work through those issues, though, I thought I’d post a draft here. If you have a moment to check it out, please do. And feel free to leave your feedback and comments below.

For the record, my tech guys are working on a trailer for THE HIVE DETECTIVES, too. I’m told that quality work like theirs cannot be rushed, and that there is no way to predict when the THD trailer will be ready. Suffice to say that someday the books page of my website will include trailers for each of my books. Someday.