Cybils News!

Cybils-Logo-2014-Web-Lg-300x193You’ve heard of the Cybils, right? Annual book awards given out by the Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers? Of course you have. For the past eight years, the bloggers at the heart of this group have been tirelessly promoting great books for kids, constantly updating their categories, and exhaustively seeking out the best the publishing world has to offer children and young adults. Here’s how they describe their mission on the Cybils website:

The Cybils Awards aims to recognize the children’s and young adult authors and illustrators whose books combine the highest literary merit and popular appeal. If some la-di-dah awards can be compared to brussels sprouts, and other, more populist ones to gummy bears, we’re thinking more like organic chicken nuggets. We’re yummy and nutritious.

I’m so proud to have Handle with Care: An Unusual Butterfly Journey recognized by these incredibly dedicated and passionate organic chicken nugget enthusiasts! It’s one of seven finalists in the Nonfiction for Elementary & Middle Grades category; here’s the entire delicious list. Bring it with you when you go off to your local independent bookseller to spend that holiday gift card. If you have a taste for nonfiction, bring the list of finalists in the Nonfiction for Young Adults category, too. Bon appétit!

To see finalist lists for all twelve categories–seriously, don’t miss these lists!-click here.

BHEC Handout

On Saturday, September 27, I’m scheduled to speak at the Boston Harbor Educator’s Conference in Boston, Massachusetts on the topic of citizen science. To save paper, I’m storing my presentation handout at the link below. If you attend–or even if you don’t–please feel free to access this resource page, or to get in touch with questions.

BHEC Handout


Celebration of Literacy & Science


On Saturday, October 18, I’ll join educators and writers in a unique celebration of science and reading. Developed by the National Science Teachers Association and the International Reading Association, this unique day is dedicated to books about science, how they are written, how they’re used in the classroom and, of course, the curious kids they are written for. Here are some details:

Saturday, October 18, 2014
NSTA Area Conference
Greater Richmond Convention Center
Richmond, Virginia

The Literacy & Science event begins in the Grand Ballroom at 9am. Festivities include an exploration of literacy & science, a panel discussion with authors, a meet & greet, and more. For a complete rundown of the day’s activities and a list of the authors who’ll be there, click the link below:

Literacy and Science Celebration Flyer

Hope to see you in Richmond!

Boston Harbor Educators Conference


Click below to learn more about the Massachusetts Marine Educators Boston Harbor Educators Conference:

Conference Flyer

The event will be held on Saturday, September 27 at UMass Boston, from 9am until 4pm. I’ll be giving an education workshop on citizen science; other workshop topics include Ocean Acidification (Dr. Isaac Westfield), Salt Marsh Science (Lizz Duff and Lore LaFrance), and Marine Invasive Species (Mary Kay Taylor and Curtis Sarkin).  Join us if you can!

A Library Double Header

This summer, libraries across the country are celebrating reading and science in a collaborative initiative called FIZZ, BOOM, READ!

How perfect is that?

For a book-loving scientist like me, its pretty perfect. And I get to participate in the festivities at two Massachusetts libraries: the Merrick Public Library in Brookfield and the Holland Public Library in Holland. On Tuesday, July 15, I’ll be sharing the joy of citizen science with kids and families from these communities in back-to-back programs;  each will run about 45 minutes and be followed by some time for questions and sharing as well as a book sale/signing. Here are the details:

Tuesday, July 15 at 4pm
Merrick Public Library
2 Lincoln Street
Brookfield, MA

Tuesday, July 15 at 7pm
Holland Public Library
23 Sturbridge Road
Holland, MA

I hope to see YOU!



Coming Soon!



In just a few short months, my fifth book for children will be released into the world. Beetle Busters is being published by Houghton Mifflin as part of their ‘Scientists in the Field‘ series, and its subtitle says it all: this is the story of a rogue beetle–the gnarly Asian longhorned–and the men and women who track it here in North America. I’ll be updating my website with more information about the book, reviews, resources for teachers, and information on book launch and speaking events as soon as possible, so check back soon!

Chenery Middle School Author Festival


I’m thrilled to be participating in this humungous community celebration of reading. The Chenery Author Festival is free and open to the public, so if you are anywhere near Belmont, Massachusetts on Thursday, June 12, please drop by. Sarah L. Thompson, A.J. Paquette, David Yoo, Erin Dionne, Julie Berry, Greg Fishbone, and myself will be reading, speaking, answering questions, and signing books all afternoon; we’d love to see YOU there!


NESCBWI Session Handout


On Saturday, May 5, I had the pleasure of speaking at the New England Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators (NESCBWI) spring conference in Springfield, Massachusetts. Along with children’s science writer and photographer Alexandra Siy, I presented a workshop called “Writers as Architects: Structure in Nonfictioin.” If you were there, thank you for coming. The handout we promised is at the link below. And if you weren’t there, we missed you. You should feel free to have a look at the handout, too. 🙂

Structure in Nonfiction Handout


NSTA Session Handout

On Saturday, April 5, I had the pleasure of speaking at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) annual conference in Boston, Massachusetts. My presentation was called “How Can I Help? Empowering Students with Citizen Science.” If you were there, thank you for coming! The handout I promised is at the link below.

And if you weren’t there, we missed you. You should feel free to have a look at the handout, too!

NSTA Handout