Wednesday Wild: Painted Turtle

© Loree Griffin Burns

Yes, I realize it’s Thursday.  But putting up a Wednesday Wild post on a Thursday seems about right for me these days. I’m behind in everything, you know? But now that the holidays are past and my family and I are settled into our new place, I’m expecting my days to find their old rhythm. One week soon I will post something wild on a Wednesday. (Or maybe even a Tuesday!) In any event, we’re beginning to explore our new environment, and I’m looking forward to sharing what we find.  Which brings me to this painted turtle.

On my birthday, my sons made an unusual request. Meet us at the pond, they said. Bring cookies.  Who am I to question such intrigue? I packed up some Oreos and went to the pond. They showed up with two school friends, and all four boys greeted me with Happy Birthday wishes. (Which I thought was adorable. These guys are thirteen, for crying out loud.)

Then they ate the cookies. (As I said: thirteen.)

Then, Come on. We’ve got a surprise for you.

I followed them along the trail beside the pond. Two of them slipped out onto the ice.

(A safety interlude: This pond is so shallow that to break through the ice would drop one into water only ankle-deep. Otherwise I would have not allowed–or joined in–such shenanigans. NEVER WALK ON POND ICE UNLESS YOU ARE SURE IT IS SAFE!)

Okay. On top of the pond, boys sneaker-skated about, peered through the ice, muttered. Eventually they dropped to their knees.


A painted turtle. Under the ice. Just hanging out.

The boys waved me over. I stepped onto the ice. Loud cracks shot wildly about. The boys asked me to step back while they evacuated. They assured me the issue was their weight, not mine. (Love these guys.) And then, with the strain on the ice lessened, I slid out there alone. And I can tell you for certain that a turtle in winter is a mighty fine gift.